There is a large group of individuals who have been harmed by crimes related to the sexually exploited children. Packing for a long flight, going on a bike ride, or even enjoying the hot summer sun can be overshadowed by fear as these individuals try to avoid sites that contain child pornography. In order for this population of individuals to feel safe and not victimized again, legislation must take place surrounding these crimes. The law must be able to provide justice for those that have been injured from sexual exploitation and hold accountable those who violate the rights of others. This has become more important as technology continues to increase with new developments in technology such as self-publishing platforms and social media platforms. Information can be disseminated more easily without regard for the first amendment of the first amendment of the first amendment of the first amendment of the first amendment of the first amendment. The ability to feel safe and not persecuted has become more important as technology becomes more prevalent within our society. The law is supposed to protect individuals against being victimized by crimes linked to child pornography, but I have found that this core duty is being ignored by today’s law enforcement. As technology has increased, so has social media use, which allows for individuals to share their sexual videos with others. Child pornography law inhibits the ability for this crime to be prosecuted due to aspects of the first amendment. More specifically, my research has found that this is hard for law enforcement because they have to have physical evidence of sexual exploitation in order to prosecute. Otherwise, child pornography is dismissed as “speech” protected by the First Amendment. However, since the victims are being physically abused in an effort to produce these videos, shouldn’t the speech be considered a derivative violation of another crime? The current laws surrounding child pornography are an antiquated version that was created before computers were invented and before social media platforms existed. The law was created before the internet existed and now that it is being enforced, it is hard to deal with the cases as they are now. If the law were updated, then prosecutors would have a better chance at prosecuting these crimes as they would have physical evidence of the crime occurring rather than relying solely on statements from victims as to what happened. However, child pornography is protected by the first amendment so this may not be an option for current officials. I have visited a number of web pages showing images and videos of children being sexually exploited and abused. One site in particular depicts a 13-year-old girl being raped by a man who is much older than her. This individual placed the video on a self-publishing platform where it is easily accessible to anyone in the world. My encounter with this video has led me to believe that these types of videos need to be completely removed from all internet sites. If the law were updated, then there would be more of an effort by law enforcement to prosecute these crimes. I am not sure how this can be accomplished, but I wish something could be done in order for this type of evidence not to exist on social media platforms or any other internet sites. Websites like this give attention to individuals who are abusing children sexually and encourage them to continue their actions by giving them praise and notoriety.
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